First commercial filmed in Space & Space Marketing (Facts)

In 1997 the very first commercial was filmed in space abroad the Russian Space Station Mir. A prominent advertisement agency filmed the commercial for an Israeli diary company and features a cosmonaut abroad the station drinking the company’s milk.

In 2001, the American fast food chain Pizza Hut sent a vacuum sealed pizza to the astronauts and cosmonauts abroad the ISS as a commercial stunt.

However, something more interesting happened back in 1993. A company known as Space Marketing Inc. announced that they would launch a giant billboard into low-earth orbit. The 1 Km billboard would have been made of a lightweight polyester film and if it had been launched it would’ve appeared to be as large and bright as the moon. The project never progressed due to concerns about space debris and an inability to attract adequate funding. But more importantly, it was faced by immense opposition from the public and scientific community which is completely understandable as no one wants to have their sunset or astronomical observations interrupted by a giant floating sign. People were so opposed to the project that a bill was later introduced to ban all obtrusive advertising in space.

US based companies has since been prohibited by law from launching any giant billboards into space but, then again, the ESA, Russia, China, India or anyone else could still do so if they wanted to.

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