Classification of Engineering Materials Part 3

Classification of Fabrics

  • Fabrics can be further classified as Natural and Synthetic
Colorful Nylon Spinnaker

Polyester marine rope - less stretch than nylon - resist UV light

Classification of Plastics

Plastics can be further classified as -
  1. Thermoplastic
  2. Thermoset
  3. Elastomers

Thermoplastics - reversible in phase by heating and cooling. Solid phase at room temperature and liquid phase at elevated temperature.

Thermosets - irreversible in phase by heating and cooling. Change to liquid phase when heated, then follow with an irreversible exothermic chemical reaction. Remain in solid phase subsequently.

Elastomers - Rubbers

Classification of Wood

Wood can be further categorized as -
  • Hardwood 
  • Softwood
  • Manufactured Board

Classification of Ceramics

Ceramics are compounds of metallic and non-metallic elements, examples include;
  • Oxides (alumina – insulation and abrasives, zirconia – dies for metal extrusion and abrasives)
  • Carbides (tungsten-carbide tools)
  • Nitrides (cubic boron nitride, 2nd in hardness to diamond)
Classification of Engineering Materials


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