
Showing posts from October, 2017

Space Fact - Milky Way Galaxy

Milky Way Galaxy. Home to planet Earth. The Milky Way is a part of a large group of galaxies known as the Local Group consisting of more than 54 gravitationally bound members. Most of them are quite small with the exception of Andromeda , the Milky Way and Triangulam . A few billion years into the future,these larger members will collide and eventually form a much larger galaxy nicknamed Milkdromeda . Now lets go much further into the future, about 100 billion years from now. Imagine that somewhere within Milkdromeda, a habitable planet gives rise to a civilization of intelligent beings much like ourselves. At some point they invent a powerful new telescope which will allow them to explore space beyond the galaxy. But as they peek through the telescope, they find nothing. Nothing but darkness and empty space. They come to understand that they exist within a seemingly endless and almost informationless void. Milkdromeda would appear to be a bastion of light in a sea

Classification of Engineering Materials Part 3

Classification of Fabrics Fabrics can be further classified as Natural and Synthetic Examples Colorful Nylon Spinnaker Polyester marine rope - less stretch than nylon - resist UV light Classification of Plastics Plastics can be further classified as - Thermoplastic Thermoset Elastomers Thermoplastics  - reversible in phase by heating and cooling. Solid phase at room temperature and liquid phase at elevated temperature. Thermosets - irreversible in phase by heating and cooling. Change to liquid phase when heated, then follow with an irreversible exothermic chemical reaction. Remain in solid phase subsequently. Elastomers - Rubbers Classification of Wood Wood can be further categorized as - Hardwood  Softwood Manufactured Board Classification of Ceramics Ceramics are compounds of metallic and non-metallic elements, examples include; O xides (alumina – insulation and abrasives, zirconia – dies for met

Time Temperature Transformation ( T T T) DIAGRAM

Time Temperature Transformation TTT diagram stands for “time-temperature-transformation” diagram. It is also called isothermal transformation diagram TTT diagrams give the kinetics of isothermal transformations. TTT Diagram TTT Curves T (Time) T(Temperature) T(Transformation) diagram is a plot of temperature versus the logarithm of time for a steel alloy of definite composition.  It is used to determine when transformations begin and end for an isothermal (constant temperature) heat treatment of a previously austenitized alloy.  When austenite is cooled slowly to a temperature below LCT (Lower Critical Temperature), the structure that is formed is Pearlite.  As the cooling rate increases, the pearlite transformation temperature gets lower.  The microstructure of the material is significantly altered as the cooling rate increases. By heating and cooling a series of samples, the history of the austenite transformation may be recorded.  TTT diagram indi

Classification of Engineering Materials Part 2

Non - Ferrous Metals Aluminum and its alloys Copper and its alloys Magnesium and its alloys Nickel and its alloys Titanium and its alloys Refractory metals Aluminum and its alloys 1.High strength to weight ratio 2.Resistance to corrosion 3.High thermal and electrical conductivity 4.Ease of machinability 5.Non-magnetic Magnesium and its alloys •Magnesium (Mg) is the lightest metal.  •Alloys are used in structural and non-structural applications.  •Typical uses of magnesium alloys are aircraft and missile components.  •Also has good vibration-damping characteristics. Copper and its alloys • Copper alloys have electrical and mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity and wear resistance.  •Applications are electronic components, springs and heat exchangers. • Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. •Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Nickel and its alloys •Nickel (Ni) has strength, toughness, and corrosion re

Classification of Engineering Materials

Classification of Engineering Materials Introduction Materials are an important aspect of engineering design and analysis.  The importance of materials science and engineering can be noted from the fact that historical ages have been named after materials. There is a wide variety of materials available which have shown their potential in various engineering fields ranging from aerospace to house hold applications. The materials are usually selected after considering their characteristics, specific application areas, advantages and  limitations. Metals & Alloys Metals Polycrystalline consisting of a great number of fine crystals  Possess low strength   Do not have the required properties Alloys are produced by melting or sintering two or more metals or metal and a non-metal together "Faceted glass objects are sometimes called crystals." Materials used in the design and manufacture of products -  Plastics   Wood   Composites