
Showing posts from April, 2017

Airport Privatization in India

Airport Privatization in India The Airports Authority of India (AAI) was formed on 1st April 1995 by merging the International Airports Authority of India and the National Airports Authority with a view to accelerate the integrated development, expansion, and modernization of the operational, terminal and cargo facilities at the airports in the country conforming to international standards. AAI is a major airport operator managing 125 airports across the country and also entrusted with the sovereign function of providing air traffic services in India. Four of the six metro airports in the country — New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore are currently run by private operators. The previous United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government wanted more airports to be privatized, despite resistance from airlines who said passengers and airlines will have to pay more to use these airports with upgraded facilities. Reasons cited for privatization The AAI has invested substa

Aircraft Electrical Power

Aircraft Electrical Power A.C Power generation  D.C Power generation Emergency Power generation Voltage Regulation Power distribution  Inverters  Transformers A.C Power generation Alternating current (ac) generators supply the electrical energy for operating aircraft avionics  equipment. A generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction. Alternating current (AC) electrical systems are found on most multi-engine, high performance turbine powered aircraft and transport category aircraft. AC is the same type of electricity used in industry and to power our homes. The AC power is typically a three-phase wye generator at 115VAC using 400Hz. Use of 400Hz power has been a standard for decades as the power can be produced with smaller and lighter generators than 50/60Hz systems . Although the use of higher frequencies is not ideal for long distance power transmission (more sensitive to voltage drop

NASA's plan to make Mars habitable for humans

NASA's plan to make Mars habitable for humans  Mars used to look like Earth. The planet had a vast sea under oxygen rich skies. And as far as we know, all the right conditions for life. But while Earth was beginning to see its first glimpse of life, Mars was losing its chance of becoming a habitable world. image courtesy: We don't know why, but roughly 4.2 billion years ago, Mars's magnetic filed disappeared. That magnetic field protected the young planet from a constant barrage of solar winds ejected from the sun. But once it was gone. Mars's warm, rich atmosphere was blown out of the solar system. And all that's left now, is the rocky, cold and inhabitable planet we know today. Could we make Mars habitable again ? NASA might have new strategy to do, just that they theorize that placing a larger magnetic dipole shield between Mars and the Sun. This can protect the planet from Sun's solar winds. And perhaps establish a new atmospheric equi

10 Motivational Quotes by A P J Abdul Kalam

10 Motivational Quotes by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam 1. You have to dream before your dreams can come true. 2. Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended. 3. We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us. 4. Difficulties in your life don't come to destroy you but to help you realize your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult. 5. Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success. 6. Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.  7. Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those ho dream and work. 8. Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career. 9. Those who can't work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted  success that breeds b


10 Weird facts about planet Earth  The name comes from the Anglo Saxons. Every other planet in our solar system is named after a Greek or Roman God. Like Mars is derive from the Roman God of War and Pluto the ruler of the underworld to name a few examples. All planets except our planet Earth.                           image courtesy :Astronaut photography in Space The word Earth comes from the Anglo Saxon word Erda, which means “ground” or “soil” and is thought to be 1000 year old. 2. The Antarctic, Researchers have confirmed that the Antarctica contains most of the Earth’s fresh water as it hold about 70% of it and around 90% of that is frozen. image courtesy: 3.  Earth is the only planet with Plate Tectonics, Scientists believe the Earth is made up of 7 major plates of “crust”, which move in different directions up to 4 inches each year. When they crash into each other, it is said the mountains are created. As they are created, they pull a

10 Amazing exoplanets in Space

10 Amazing exoplanets in Space Space is unbelievably strange. You would be forgiven for thinking that every planet out there is similar, just a big ball of rock and gas, but planets are remarkably more unique than that.           Here's the top 10 amazing planets in the known universe, that seem like they belong in some bizarre science fiction series.  1. Darkest planet TrES-2b First up this dark, menacing planet affectionately named TrES-2b. image courtesy: It is located 750 light year away from our solar system. As far as we know it is officially the darkest planet in the entire universe. It reflects less then 1% of all light that hits it, making it significantly darker than the majority of known exo-planets. It's ominously dark surface can be partially explained by the light absorbent gases that make up the bulk of the planet. But scientists don't really know for sure why it is so dark.              But it gets creepier, not only does this evil